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Saturday, March 27, 2010

Know that you are loved.

Know that there is a Force that watches over you, guides you, and protects you. Know that even when you feel alone, you are not. Know that when you feel despair and doubt, there is always a door waiting to be opened. You are beings of light, where even in your darkest hours we patiently wait for you to notice that we have not left your side. You are loved beyond your comprehension…now grow.
How often have you been faced with a difficult situation that left you feeling all alone? Perhaps frustrated because no one could fix or pull you out from where you were, you had to go through it by yourself? How many times have you sat in your car, ignition off, and felt that that was either the safest place for you to be at the moment, perhaps it was the only place you could hear your thoughts, or you just didn’t have the strength to open the door and get out? In one form or another, we’ve all experienced the feelings of loneliness within our own personal struggles or life battles.
A couple of weeks ago after a yoga class, one of my students walked up to me and asked my opinion on why her meditation during her final relaxation had changed. She said that normally during the relaxation she would visualize a beautiful beach where she would rest, she would feel a lot of support around her even if she didn’t see anyone in particular she still knew she was supported, so she could rest safely and easily. But lately, she said that her final relaxation had turned into a dry desert. She said, “I feel such unrest, and I’ve even tried to change it back to the beach, but still end up in this dry lonely desert with a dark shadow over my head. Any idea on what this means?” My guides told me to share the challenge I was currently experiencing; not quite knowing why, but trusting that my guides did, we sat down and I said, “I’ve been given a project to complete, I’m the only one that can do it and it’s really frustrating for me. When I sit down to get started on the project I get easily distracted, wanting to delegate it to someone else, but there’s no one else that can do it, not because I can’t find anyone but because it’s something that I must do on my own. So, for the first time today – because I knew within hours I wasgoing to have to present a draft to my coach – I sat down to get started. I began to think about what was in the kitchen to eat, but I didn’t allow myself to get up; anxiety crept in giving me the feeling that I’d forgot to return several calls, I didn’t react; I sat still and worked through all of the distractions. Once I went as far as I could without being late for my appointment with the coach, I felt so good about what I had put together and how I saw myself progressing now that I had a visual in front of me. What I realized is that this project, that I’m still not done with, is an opportunity to take me to a new level professionally and that I had a fear of moving to that level, and I only realized that fear today. I hadn’t realized it was there to admit before, I just knew I wanted, the work that I love to do, and that I’ve been gifted to do to increase to a new level. But the fear for me was about safety; feeling safe where I was, and knowing on some level that this project could take me out of that comfort zone. Being that the universe intends more for me, I was given an assignment that only I could do because if I really want what I’ve been praying for, I must be willing to not only do what it takes, but also face the fears that manifest as huge distractions.”
And let me tell you, I have had HUGE distractions since I’ve been given the assignment.
So, as I was sharing my personal experience with my student, I noticed her eyes whaling up with tears. She told me that she could relate completely because she too had something that she needed to put time and energy into that would advance her professionally and feed her spiritually but she’d been avoiding it out of what she knows now to be fear and reluctance because her journey could be quite lonely at first. We talked for a while longer, comparing our situations and how similar they were. When we were done, it was clear to her what the desert in her final relaxation represented; it represented the fact that when we’re being Divinely moved through or out of something and into to something much greater, we will feel alone, we wonder if their will ever be relief, and we have needs that need to be met but can’t be in our current environment. We will experience a battle between what we know we should do or how we should be thinking and the distracting thoughts (or people) that try to convince us otherwise.
Often we’ll ask to be released from something and to receive more of what we need or desire, but depending on how deep the roots of our beliefs are, it may take someone to hold us accountable, a deadline, a metaphoric bulldozer, or all of the above to uproot what’s been holding us back. It may not feel good or look pretty but it is necessary and if we allow ourselves to be uncomfortable in the present moment, we gain great treasures during our journey.
As we’re making our way through our individual “assignments”, let’s make sure we don’t let the distractions we encounter to keep us from the blessings we’ve yet to receive, and remember that we are loved, and that we truly aren’t walking through it alone. In fact, if we allow ourselves to connect in with the Divine Energy of the universe, we will find peace, grace, and greater understanding of where we’re headed; soon to realize that the dark shadow over our head, as my student felt in her final relaxation, is really an umbrella.
My car is my temple. Before you begin to judge the statement let me explain; my car has been one of the holiest places for me on countless occasions, it is where I’ve gone to pray, to talk to God so loud that I knew my prayers were being heard right away, as though my vehicle was the link between my words and God’s ears. It is where I’ve cried, so loud and so long, that I’m sure I couldn’t have found a safer place to hold my pain. It is where I’ve revealed my secrets out loud, and never had my trust violated. My car is my temple. I’ve hit the steering wheel, and it never hit me back. It is where I’ve come up with some of my most brilliant advice, and apologized for some of my most judgmental moments. I’ve received grace in my car, peace, and messages so Divine that I felt gold light enter into every window. You see, aside from my body, my car is my temple; it is sacred and the closest I can come to Tibet .
It is our birthright to be happy and it is our responsibility to create the picture of what we want to manifest in every aspect of our lives. Once we create those pictures, the intentions are set and then our non physical staff jumps into gear to bring in that which we’ve asked for. They’ll possibly need to move a few things and people out, they may need to bring in something to help us gain a greater understanding of our life, which may or may not appear to be a positive thing, but however it happens, it is all occurring in alignment with that which we’ve asked for. My intention in writing this month’s newsletter is that there is something, even if it’s just a sentence that resonates with you. I hope that even if I’m repeating something that you already know, that reading it again helps you open up in a new way.
My strong belief in God and the power of prayer has taught me that LOVE is the most powerful force in the universe, it heals, it allows growth, and it is all that is awesome. Know that when you sleep at night there is a Divine Force telling you all the many reasons why you are loved, even if you can’t hear them, it is real. Know that when you’re going about you day, too busy to remember what you had for breakfast, or dinner the night before, there is a Divine Force that wants you to be a peace, that cares about you in all your dealings, and that love is being showered over you…connect in with that. Send blessings of Love to every situation no matter how small they may seem and especially the ones too big to go through alone. I send each of you Love individually with each email address I attach this newsletter to and every envelope I put this newsletter in. I LOVE YOU, Jenice.

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